[REWRITE] Captain Future (Edmond Hamilton)

[Quelle Beitragsbild: KI-generierte Montage*]


Captain Future (Anime) [wikipedia]
Captain Future – Ein Blick zurück in die 80er [youtube]
Captain Future – Realfilm Concept Trailer (remastered) [youtube]


FUTUREMANIA – The Captain Future Site

Space Opera [Tor-online/wikipedia]
Die Roche-Grenze [Spektrum der Wissenschaft]

*zum Beitragsbild (generiert mit hotpot.ai):
Promt 1:
A wide vista with space, planets, stars and nebula. A man in a space suit is floating in front of a planet. In the upper right corner, the space ship that looks like „The Comet“ from the anime series „Captain Future“ is hovering in front of a planet.
Prompt 2:
A wide asymmetric vista with space, planets, stars and nebula. A space ship that looks like a firefly with a large, spherical head is appearing at the horizon.

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