[REWRITE] Von »Old Man’s War« bis »Kaiju Preservation Society« (John Scalzi)

[Beitragsbild: nachbearbeitete Collage aus KI-generierten Motiven, Prompts* siehe Ende der Shonotes]


»Old Man’s War«/»Der Krieg der Klone« – wikipedia dt. / engl.
»The Collapsing Empire« (Interdepencency part I) / »Das Imperium der Ströme« – wikipedia dt. (google autotranslate) / engl.


Locus Award Acceptance Speech for The Kaiju Preservation Society – youtube

* verwendete Prompts für das Beitragsbild:
A male, muscular, caucasian soldier who has facial green skin. The soldier ist looking into the camera. The Soldier is wearing a futuristic, black and silverish battle suit with an open helmet, standing on a battle field, fighting againgst robots

A gigantic, aircraft-shaped spaceship in front of a black background. the space ship has written „My Imperatox is cooler than yours“ on it. The picture looks like a hyperrealistic photography. No humans are in the picture.

Spaceships flying out of a shiny vortex in space. Blurry, curverd lines swirl from the vortex into the background

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